Contact me before placing an order because I will determine if I will be able to write an appeal letter for your's funds disbursement.
If amazon with-held your funds, I could help you in the following manner.
I can assist you by writing an appeal letter for your fund's disbursement for your withheld funds.
My custom appeal will be the best tool you will have for the disbursement of your withheld funds
Your account must have completed 90 days after deactivation.
Your account health must be good and no illegal activity performed.
I will charge extra money depending on the funds in your account.
Let's get your money back to you!!!
your order is for my custom appeal, Experience, and my consultation.
I am not providing any type of guarantee, that with my custom appeal your funds will be released with 100% surety because the final deciding authority is amazon and only they have the deciding power to release funds or not. If everything is done legal and 90 days completed after deactivation then there will be 100% to get funds release.
But my custom appeal is the best possible package you will have to get back your money.