Your Amazon FBA Product Listing will be Ranked on the #amazon first page.
Rather than Spending Much More on Advertising and Giveaways, Let's Write a Full SEO-Optimized Listing and Product Description using High Search-Volume Keywords on Amazon!
Do you want to list a NEW PRODUCT or have an ALREADY LISTED PRODUCT but No Sales!
"NO sales" - Then Your Amazon Product Listing needs someone Professional to give it Slight but Technical touch.
What's included in my service:
- Eye-Opening - Optimized Title
- Benefits and Features Highlighted - Bullet Points
- SEO Product Description - Why What and How?
- Plus HTML Description - which is Amazon friendly
- Backend Searchterms - the Backbone of your listing
- Competitor Analysis - and how to compete with him
- Golden Keywords - for effective PPC campaign
- Professional's Guide - about further Race
I use the following Paid tools for Listing Optimization:
I assure you that "you will be Completely Satisfied when we will end up with this Project!"