Looking for Amazon FBA Product Research?
You are in the right place, I can find a winning product for your private label FBA.
Which types of products I find?
I perform product research for your private label. I’ll find a product in top-selling categories, with high demand but with fewer reviews, 4 or above review rating, and beatable competition.
Here what I offer:
* Detailed In dept report
* Products with monthly revenue between $8,000 - $30,000+
* Products that less than 100 reviews
* Niches (low to medium competition)-(medium to high demand)
* Keywords of at least 2k monthly searches
* Average selling price between $10-$70
* Profits of at least 35% - 50% and ROI of at least 110%
* Weightless than 3 pounds & (Sourcing Cost $3 - $14)
* Supplier Research
#Have custom requirements for your amazon FBA product research?
You can provide your own requirements for the FBA product, I can find them accordingly, but please contact and share the requirements before placing an order if you have any custom requirements.
Available for AMZ US, UK, CA, DE, FR