Proper Amazon FBA Private Label Product Research is the key to a successful launch.
After all, finding the right product to sell is no walk in the park, especially when you are trying to establish a Private Label and compete against millions of other sellers
This is why an Amz Seller (ME) should research and finalize products based on YOUR investment and NOT some silly criteria that will break your bank.
I am Hamza, an amazon seller central expert. In addition to my skill set, knowledge, and strategies, I am a passionate Amazon Private Label Expert. Through my assistance many clients built their own brands. I keep up to date with the latest Amazon Market trends and techniques.
Recommended Product according to our criteria
- A product with an expected monthly revenue of $5k to $40k
- Average selling price 15$ to 120$.
- Less Average reviews/ Low competition.
- No AMZ or brand dominance and non trendy.
- Top 50 keywords+ targeted keywords for ppc.
- Non breakable. and product with 4.5+ rating.
- 25%-55% profit margin and >100 ROI
- No seasonal product
- Non patented
Available for USA, UK, CA, DE, IT, FR, ES, AUS, IND, KSA
Let's get started and take your business to the next level.