I am an Seller Central and Amazon FBA Wholesale Expert I have extensive knowledge about Amazon in Product Hunting, Sourcing, Brand Approval and Account Management I helped many sellers grow their businesses and helped the individuals build their businesses from scratch.
As a highly experienced Amazon FBA wholesale virtual assistant. I will provide you trustworthy information and products to run your business warmly and to get ranked on top. Bring your problems to me I will give you the most necessary solution.
Reliable Seller with expertise in online selling, inventory management and complaint handling. Offering 2-year background building and managing online stores and marketing products to prospective customers. Customer-oriented individual dedicated to expertly resolving customer issues and complaints.
1. Product Research
2. Brand Research
3. Brand Approval
4. Contact the Supplier for Wholesale Accounts
5. Product Analysis
6. Complete ROI Sheet with Profit Margin
7. Gated Products into Ungated Products
8. Order Place
9. Me Too
10. Shipment Plan Creation
11. Account Management
12. Account Management
Premium tools that I used for product hunting : Keepa, Helium 10 ,Jungle Scout, JS Sales Estimator.
Hunt amazon products that have 30% ROI in Amazon Wholesale and Amazon Online Arbitrage.
Setup and Optimize Amazon Listing three high search volume keywords related to niche in the tittle Categories the bullet points into the steps in which 1st bullet point include Material, in 2nd 3rd and 4th include Features and Benefits and 5th include Satisfaction Guaranteed.