Amazon Product Research - look for winning products with high profit margin and low competition, knowledgeable of tools (Helium10, Jungle Scout, Manage by Stats)
Supplier Sourcing - searching and negotiating with suppliers, mainly in
Amazon Keyword Research - using Helium10 to get the best keywords to use in Product Listings/Listing Optimization and Amazon Sponsored Ads
Customer Service - Managing buyer-seller messages, managing product reviews, and seller feedback, replying to positive and negative feedbacks, requesting to remove a negative reviews.
Sending Inventory to Amazon Warehouse - Shipping plan creation, download shipping labels and FNSKU labels, Downloading Amazon FNSKU Barcodes for Each Unit and tracking shipment status.
Social Media Management - knowledgeable of tools (Buffer and Hootsuite) for automatic postings in social media accounts
Amazon Advertising (PPC) - Setting up Automatic and Manual Campaigns, Analyzing Your Sponsored Ads Campaign, Optimizing Your Campaigns, Ensuring Your Product is Not Seen for Negative Key Terms, Manage Promotion Product Selection