I'm VA with Three years of Experience in Amazon Dropshipping.
I have full command an store mangement including product searching, listing, order mangement, order tracking, customers support, A to Z claims, Account Health, and Bringing Sales to peek at handsome ROI +30%.
Patent Search
I also have experience in Patent Search I'm doing Patent Search for three years. I will search Patent for your new product in US, Canada, Europe and UK Markets and will provide comprehensive reports after Searching Patents in your given Marketplace.
I'm expererinced in Microsoft word and Microsoft Execel.
MS Word
•Creating word documents.
•Dynamic page layouts.
•Text formatting.
•Inserting images and bookmarks.
•Creating, modifying, and filling tables.
•Page navigation.
•Create graphs and charts.
•Grammar check
MS Excel
•Saving and Opening a Workbook
•Managing Worksheets
•Formatting Cells
•Excel Functions
•Sorting Data
•Find and Replace Option