Searching for a virtual assistant who could manage all your listings, you are at the true site. I am an expert AMAZON SELLER central expert with a couple of years of experience in each base of FBA PL. The worth of time and going to convey all your orders in time.
Help you with the latest and past projects. My expertise includes, but is not limited to :
1- Product Hunting
2- Keyword Research
3- Variation Listings
4- Content Writing for Listing (Title, Bullet Points & Description)
5- Launching and Ranking Strategies
6- PPC Campaigns
7- Listing Creation and Optimization
8- Account Management
9- Product Research
10- Search Engine Optimization
11- Coupon creation
12- Reports Understanding
I have experience with these tools, and I have paid versions:
Jungle Scout
Helium 10
Merchant words
Viral Launch
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you!