In the conditions of competitive struggle monitoring and analysis of the company become the most important tool, as it allow the company to react quickly not only to market changes, but also to change of internal factors. Situation in which the information in databases is available, but it can’t be operatively received, when it comes to do a large number of unnecessary activity and to involve programmer, it is unacceptable for the modern company. It is possible to solve this problem by the following ways: * Regular reporting. For regular reporting, it is necessary to create tool for work with data sources and the subsequent visualization of results. The end customer will report with the minimum efforts just by selecting the increasing report and setting the parameters of the interest. * Ad-hoc reports. For work it isn’t enough to construct standard system of the reporting. It is impossible to provide all available options, which can be interesting for customers. It is also important, that ad-hoc reporting took just not a lot of time.