Mobile application developer with experience of above 5+ year in android development. I have a wealth of experience in design and development applications, which allows me to quickly and efficiently solve problems of clients. Stackoverflow profile : Below are my experience and skills : 1) Android: Fragments, Layout, Web API, Location and Sensors API, SQLite Database, Services, Maps, Material Design, in-app purchases, Push notification(FCM/GCM), admob, Retrofit, Picaso,, etc 2) Java: Java Core, Multithreading, Collections API, SWING, etc 3) Frameworks: Spring, Struts, Grails, Hibernate 4) IDE: Android Studio 5) OS: Windows, Mac OS X 6) VCS: Git, SVN 7) Bug/Issue trackers: Crashalytics,Jira, Asana, Redmine, testfairy 8) Database : Sqlite