If you are looking for Native Android Mobile App at a reasonable price, you are at the very right place. We will maintain Google and Apple guidelines so no chance of your app being banned/rejected.
We have the following Android development skill set:
- Java-based user Apps and system level Apps development
- Work with Rooted & unrooted devices,
- Android OS(firmware) installation,
- Android OS Linux bash scripting,
- Multiple screens & languages support apps development,
- Hardware integration with android app ( i.e. USB and network printer, barcode scanner, card chip reader, thumb reader, camera, OCR reader)
- Hardware devices connectivity with Serial & USB interface
- Network communication (Socket communication, TCP Communication)
- Broadcast listener, services, fragments, service provider and activity
External APIs:
- Google Map API
- Facebook SDK
- Twitter API
- Firebase SDK
Development Tools:
- Eclipse
- IntellijIDEA
- Android Studio
We always welcome the opportunity for an interview. We love to give you suggestions/help for free.