? Over 2.4-Year Experience as Software Engineer in developing Android Application. ? Good knowledge on Android Studio IDE, SDK, APK, Android APIs and third party libraries. ? Experience in Basic Database concepts and queries with MySQL. ? Experienced with Design patterns such as Data Access Object (DAO) and MVC and MVVM Design Pattern. ? Experience on Android application components (Activity, Services, Android Layouts, user interface elements). ? worked on List view, Custom List view, Scroll View, Fragments, Alert Dialog, Recycler View, Navigation Drawer, Spinner, Material Design, Video View, Media Player and Animations. ? Multi-Threading, Handler, Looper, Async Task, Async Task Rotation, XML Parsing, JSON Parsing, SQLite Database and Data storage in Android. ? Facebook, Google Map, Google Plus Bluetooth with the Android app. ? Firebase, FCM, REST web services, Project Development, UI and UX Design patterns. ? Bundling and distribution of Android apps. ? Common libraries and tools which help me in developing process: Android Support Library, Dagger 2, ButterKnife, EventBus, RX JAVA, Farebase, Google Analytics ? I also know about the calling rest Apis with the help of volley and retrofit.