Hello World! Welcome to my full stack development profile. Hello everyone, my name is Gulfam Hassan and I am a Computer Science graduated.I am working in IT industry for the last 5 years. Developing Apps have always been my passion so I turned it into my profession. I am very enthusiastic and hard-working about my work. For me, my customers are everything. So I’ll make sure to provide my customers the quality work and co-operate with them in every aspect. I’ll make sure that each project is well-architected, well-documented and easily maintainable. I can work under pressure and won’t flake out and disappear in the middle of the running project.I’ll make sure to provide you with the best work and provide you your work on time and within budget. I am highly motivated, amenable, and results-oriented team player who is experienced in the following areas: Tools to be used: Android studio Skills used: -Java -Kotlin -Dart -XML - Retrofit JavaRx 2 - Dagger2 - JSON et XML - Matérial Design - SQLite - Picture-in-Picture mode - Notifications - Autofill framework - WebView APIs - Multi-display support - Pointer capture - Android TV launcher - Animations - Content providers - MediaPlayer - File management - Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Companion device pairing - Permissions - Multi-window Support - Vulkan API 3D - Multi-locale Support - Emojis Android - Geolocation - OpenGL - Printer et Printing - Frame Metrics API - AudioManager - Camera - NFC - Storage - Graphics Android Architecture components (LiveData, DataBindingLibrary, Room) Dependency injection (Dagger, RoboGuice, ButterKnife) ORMs(Realm, ORMLite) Social Media SDKs(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube) Network (OKHttp, Retrofit, Volley, Glide) Almost all Android SDK components Analytic tools (Fabric, Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Hockeyapp) And Android all flavors Thank you for visiting my profile. For more information, please visit my portfolio it will help you to make a good decision and you will come to know what other customers think of my work. I’ll be honored to do business with you. Feel free to contact me because it’s free. Regards, Gulfam Hassan