An animated explainer is a short video that uses animation and narration to explain a concept or a product. Through creative visuals, colorful animations and engaging narration, an animated explainer helps the viewer understand complex ideas in a simple and straightforward manner.
The video is usually 1-2 minutes long and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as marketing, training, or education. It can be customized to include branding elements, such as logos and colors, to ensure it aligns with the company's overall identity.
The overall goal of an animated explainer is to make the viewer understand a concept in an entertaining and memorable way. Using animated characters and motion graphics, the video can break down complicated information into digestible chunks that are easier to comprehend.
Whether it's promoting a new product, explaining a service, or simplifying a complex process, an animated explainer can help to captivate and engage your audience. With its ability to convey information in a fun and easy-to-understand way, it's no wonder that animated explainers have become increasingly popular in the digital age.