Logo design, brochure, direct mail, media placement, Website design, collateral design, PowerPoint and more I am currently working with other freelance accounts from my company, Wallman Communications. Please view my LinkedIn profile http://www.linkedin.com/in/parkerwallman regarding my associations, and my personal website is www.wallmandesign.com . I am working on a new creative resource profile at http://www.behance.net/parkerwallman/frame to enhance my creative visibility.My work experience includes Managing Art Director, Habitat for Humanity International, independent contracting and operation of Wallman Design, Art Director for Cato Institute in Washington, D.C. In-house freelance design contract work with NASA, contract creative direction for The Chronicle of Higher Education, creative and art direction; advertising and art department management; strategic planning; identity/corporate branding; media buying and placement. Internet and network technology for the following in