Mirare Interacttive is an ultimate Extended Reality (XR) destination that believes in creating and delivering the most user-friendly and deep impact XR experience. We also specialize in Game Development, Hololens, Magic Leap and IOS/Android Native Development, web designing and development to support app development. Our In-house app, Mirare one brings the augmented world through your mobile phone to your fingertips. You can add your digital assets/content through our platform in a real-time real-life scenario. Mirare One combines the power of Mixed Reality and Social Media allowing you to share your creation with friends and followers who can see them appear in the world around them. You can easily build your own shared Mixed Reality experiences by adding 3D Objects, adding your photos, and videos. We carry a total experience of over 9 years in the field and some of our prestigious clients are Samsung, Mercedes, Ekstep, Akshara Foundation, Sesame Street, Horlicks, Myntra, Accenture, Good work Labs, Snow city, etc.