Greetings, My name is Victor Ramon Ballesta and I am a M. Architect with the Autodesk Official Masters Degree Specialized in Infoarchitecture MIA. As a result of merging both my Academic Studies and my passion for photography my renders and design are characterized for their composition, colour and lightning. This, among with the use of BIM tools allows me to face the proposals in an agile, dynamic and flexible way, offering the best results efficiently with the highest quality and photorealistic accuracy which is highly acclaimed by my clients. For 5+ years I have developed my career as Architect specialized in Design, Render and Photorealistic visualizations, working mainly, but not only, in design, residential and retail projects for private clients, as well as for contests and competitions, focusing on meeting their expectations and providing satisfactory results based on maintain constant communication with them. Areas of Expertise: Skilled Software: Mentions: Please take a look at my portfolio and feel free to contact me with info about your project. I look forward to collaborating with you to bring your project to life. Best regards, Víctor