I can provide very detailed Architectural 3D videos for various building projects and provide it to you in easily viewable format for projects that require additional viewing angles and perspectives 3D videos/walkthrough videos offer great insight. I offer design services as well so if you only have a concept or have no concept at all of what you would like the building/project to look like we can go through a conceptualizing phase in which I can sketch ideas for you and on approval of an idea I will commence the 3D drawing of said idea. The Program I use to create these 3D designs is Sketch-Up. *Please Note!* All works provided by me are not done with the intent for submission to any local building or planning agencies and do not include any EMP, Engineering reports, structural reports, Geographical report or any such information to be presented to any local regulatory body for any purpose and are NOT expected to be done with any local planning codes and regulations in mind. Works done by me are done with the SOLE purpose of providing only a Cosmetic view of the project in video Illustration format.