Having written since before I could spell, when I would dictate ghost stories to my mother, one might observe that this craft is a part of my DNA. Whether or not you'll find it in my genes, writing is the certifiable passion at the center of my life. From those flights of fancy as a four year old "novelist," my love affair with the written word has blossomed and driven me towards a variety of its professional applications. From self published novels that occupy a diversity of genres (romance, dystopian, zombie, sci-fi, thriller, and more), to filling blog content in an array of subjects, I've explored, researched, and honed my writing proficiency in several corners of this vast occupation. Here's a quick rundown of my experience to provide you with a clear portrait of my skill set: - Freelance Writer - filling blog content for real estate related businesses If you'd like a closer look at my work to see if I would be a good fit for your project, feel free to reach out and request a sample from any point in my work history. I look forward to working with you.