I usually charge $20 per 1000 words for blogs or general articles.
$30 per 1000 words (SEO included)
$40 per 1000 words (Technical writing + SEO)
I am a native English speaker and have been doing Writing, Proofreading, Editing work for about 20 years. Online Courses, Articles, Novels, Children's books, Self-improvement books, DIY books, Coursebooks, Study books, Informational books, etc.
I have also been teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) with several professional TEFL qualifications for over 18+ years. Hence, I have extensive knowledge, skills and experience in the English language.
I use Premium paid grammar checking software, Hemingway App, and all popular Style Guides to edit and proofread for my clients more efficiently.
How do I know when my writing has been successful?
When I read my article and it sounds great, without any errors, unique, and captivating. Additionally, it usually has an SEO score of above 85%!