Your point of view is all that matters.
When I am writing for you, I make sure that the words reflect your message and are completely understood by your audience. My experience as a PR professional, freelance writer, reporter, children's writer, public speaker and as a volunteer adds a depth to my skill that few writers can offer.
I have written newsletters, brochures, press releases, magazine articles, news stories, children's stories, biographies, advertorials, speeches, and product information--just to name a few. All require their own style and formats and all must deliver the message appropriate for the audience.
Whether you need a quick, to-the-point note, or a detailed narrative, you can Take My Word For It! Take My Word For It!
With almost twenty years experience writing as a public relations professional, I can quickly ascertain information about your product or service and hone your message for your desired result.
Whether you need catchy ad copy and