? Having extensive knowledge in DevOps tools like GIT. Good knowledge on source controller concepts like Branches and Merges. Experience in configuring Branch policies in Azure Devops. Merging release branches into Master. Experience in resolving merge issues. Experience in tagging the release branches after merging, deleting release branches after merging into master and tagging. ? Written YAML file for Azure pipelines to execute build and release pipelines. ? Automating the application deployment in Dev, QA, and Staging, Production environments. ? Docker: Writing and maintaining Dockerfile for various microservices image creation. Writing and maintaining compose files for various microservices containers creation. ? Integrated SonarQube server with Jenkins using windows batch scripts. Generated Test Reports for .NET projects and mobile projects. Experience in integrating unit testing as part of the automated build pipeline. Experience in code quality integration using SonarQube and generate the detailed report as part of the build. ? Have a good knowledge in ARM templates, automated few ARM resource creations using ARM templates. Working experience in VSTS, ARM Templates. ? Experience in mitigate and resolve the issues by managing the ICM tool. ? Experience in Blob storage and File storage. ? Managing Azure monitor and Alerting rules. Involved in monitoring the process and making daily reports on performance of process. Experience in managing Azure PAAS services. Monitoring and Security. ? Experience in configuring and managing Virtual Machines using Windows Azure portal. Provided high availability for IAAS VMs. ? Experience in executing builds and troubleshooting, interaction with development and QA teams. ? Experience in PowerShell scripting for automation of technical activities. Written PowerShell scripts for creation of IIS sites and Databases, binding SSL certificates. Written DB scripts automation scripts for picking changed objects from client data base. ? Maintain transparency and proper metering, management. Maintain compliance and configuration. ? Creating IIS sites with PowerShell scripts. In this written automated scripts for creating website with application pools, mapping CoEditor as application for Platform and Learner Websites, mapping Content as virtual directory for all 3 sites (Platform, Learner and WebAPI), adding site URL’s in bindings for all 3 sites, enabling HTTPS for SSL for all 3 sites, making sure the option require server name Indication enabled in bindings for HTTPS.