My self Harry from Highsky IT solution.
We are DevOps (AWS & Azure) Certified experts with 10+ years of experience in the IT industry which includes complete IT services and network operation management. We are working on Windows servers 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019 with various flavors like Active Directory, IIS, database, office 365, Skype for business, WSUS, DNS, DHCP, SCCM, and much more. We worked on VMware and HyperV technologies as well. We have worked on Linux CentOS 6.5, 7.5, Apache, tomcat, and Iptables installation and configurations. Apart from that, We are working with UK and US-based clients providing Web-hosting support with various control panel management like HELM, Plesk, WHM, Cpanel, Website panel, and much more. Worked on AWS with various features like S3 bucket, IAM, access key, customized application host in AWS and monitoring, SQL and MySQL databases, chatbot hosting, and other cloud services. Worked on DevOps with various tools like Jenkins, Jmeter, sonarqube, puppet, chef, and much more. Security comes into the picture now, We worked on various firewalls with configuration and monitoring of it. Includes Visnetic (Software base), Cyberoam 50ING, PALO ALTO, and SonicWall. Also worked on Host monitoring systems installation and configuration like Nagios, Zabbix, Zscaler(Specific for Workstations and Servers Security) Worked on below cloud side technologies.
- Experienced with Release tool such as Jenkins and codeship.
- Performed on Ansible for underlying infrastructure of environment, virtualized hosts and hypervisors, network devices and bare metal servers.
- Designed Playbooks, Templets, and modules to create Instances, Provision of server, to push OS image, Configure the server, Security services for approved services, and deploy app-ready server.
- Kube cluster deployment tools, such as Kubespray, Conjure-up, Minikube, Juju, Kubeadm, SimpleKube, and Kops services experienced with different projects with delivery.
- Coding experience of JIRA for Agile, DevOps projects, and CI tool by Atlassian.
- Experienced with GITHUB in DevOps toolbar source code management to store code and centralized location to manage multiple versions of source code edits that are then transferred to files in a Git repository, GitHub serves as a location for uploading copies of a Git repository.
- Docker tool
- Creation of virtual machines and infrastructure in the Azure Cloud environment.
- MongoDB database.
• Design and deploy Azure Backup and other Confidential backup solutions for Azure
• Migrated the on-premises workloads to Azure cloud based on the requirement
• Strong design and live migration experience from on-premises to Azure IaaS & PaaS
• Azure network experience, VPN and Express Route, Azure DNS, Traffic Manager, and Load Balancers.
• Responsible for systems and application performance monitoring
• Strong Proficiency in all the services offered by Confidential Azure including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.