Hello! I am mostly a backend developer. I prefer to use Node.js (TypeScript, Babel, Webpack, Mocha, ESLint, PM2), but I also use PHP. And I have tons of experience with MODX Evo/Revo CMS: I made >40 websites on MODX since 2009. I have a high standard of code quality, so I am not fast (but not very slow) but on the other hand my code is easy to read, documented, and can be modified without getting broken (because I know the SOLID principles), and covered by tests (because of TDD!). By the way, I know how to deal with encryption, public encryption (RSA), signatures (RSA, ed25519), authenticated encryption (AES-GCM, ChaCha20-Poly1305), etc. I use Arch Linux on my desktop since 2011 (I used Ubuntu in 2008–2009, Gentoo in 2010). Also I have one Debian Jessie Linux server (nginx, php-fpm, MariaDB, monit, no systemd) that hosts ~40 websites. Also I have little experience with CentOS 7.2 and Ubuntu Server 16.04. The IDE that I use is WebStorm.