Back-End Freelance Developer with over 4+ of experience building custom software solutions. My primary focus is on Python Back-End Frameworks. But, my project history proves that I can adapt to work with whatever tools are needed. I am well versed in the latest web technologies, capable of working solo or as part of a team and always looking for a new challenge.
Skills: Python, Django Rest, Django, React-JS, VUE-JS, Postgres, SQL, DBMS
Description :
Responsible for building many-core functionality of the project like bulk user import using file (CSV, Excel), generating certification, and many more on Django as backend and React as frontend.
Experience using Amazon Web Services S3 for storing user files and integrating with projects.
Experience in integration Single Sign-On using SAML and OAuth.
Also Responsible for integration 3rd party libraries like Twliofor WhatsApp integration, YouGotaGift for rewards integration, etc.
Wrote test cases for the functionality developed with Django's Testcase module.
Tech Stack (Django, Django Rest Framework, React, Celery, Redis)