I will be providing Bar Bending Schedule Steel Calculation of buildings.
All Materials Calculation be done as per Various Drawing such as Architectural floor plans, Sectional, Elevation and center line Plans of building.
Mode of measurement for calculation will be according IS (Indian Standard) 2502.
Measurement Calculation will be as per SI (International Standard) units.
CPWD (Central Public Work Department) Norms and Specification will be taken into consideration.
Steel Calculation and Estimation helps client to Know the required material to execute the work
It helps to estimate budget and control wastages.
- Architectural drawing of all floors (dwg and pdf)
- Sectional detailing and Elevation Plan of various part of building eg staircase. (dwg and pdf)
- Example of Drawing Sample to be provided - Drawing Sample
Services for Client.
- Excel File.(Material Calculation and Abstract Sheet ).
- Example Work Sample - work sample
Duration of completion - 1 to 3 days mostly and also depend on size of project it may also complete early.
payments terms - It may vary depends on nature and size of project.