Greetings from BE-INNER ID product design & 3D advertising development studio. GOOD DAY! Me and my team are really excited to share with you some brand new idea of or studio that are able to improve your marketing target sales by using our mission of combining interior design & multimedia element. The services we provided shown as below: 1. 3D animation video advertising- Provides an clear idea and point out details of your product and able to sale your product easier by looking at the animation video. 2. 2D motion graphics advertising- Provides an story flows for your product as to make your client to remember and interested in your product and send information to the audiences. 3. ID (Interior Design) Service- Provides interior design consultation, illusion images and walk through video. This is for your client/salesman to know more and understand the size, outlook, and the area benefits of the space and environment. 4. Branding development- Provides service as renew or improve your branding images such as: creates new designs for product and creates new system development. 5.Marketing campaign- We approach your needs with online and offline marketing strategy, creative ideas to exceed expectations and keep your audience engaged. We have more service other than this 4, Thus, we would try our best to fulfilled what you need for your own sales market. The possibilities are really endless. Please visit our portfolio/Showcase at: