We offer professional beta reading and proofreading services.
Our reading preference:
NA/YA/Adult fiction-
- Fantasy (including dystopian/ sci-fi)
- Space Opera
- Contemporary Romance
- Action /Adventure
- Mystery
- Paranormal
- Thriller/ Horror
- Erotica
- Literature/ Historical fiction
Our reading preference is really extensive and our team will work with any author who has a good story to tell!
On a complete read of your work we cover the following in our reports:
- Characterization & Motivation
- Setting & World building
- Pacing
- Plot & Conflict
- Dialogue (+ transitioning of POVs)
- Craft
- Overall Impression
- Chapter and content analysis (within script)
Authors are most welcome to offer any additional specifications which might not be covered in the above in regards to feedback. There would be no additional charge.