Word Smith, travelled English, Spanish translations. Stories and articles fast and accurate. Serious old fellow can write for children or adults. Males and females. Experience in newspaper, blogs with average readership of 25000 fortnightly on diverse subjects from football to fashion and motor to menopause. Academic or humorous. Fast eagle eyed proof reader in either language. Started in the press with minor news items of around 500 words, growing to a 1500/1800 word lads section in the canary news. I was an uncouth recently retired footballer that has played in both England and Spain. When my playing days where over I wanted to get into coaching to pass on a little of my experience to the next generation but I quickly discovered that coaching did not match my temperament. Everything seemed painfully slow and maybe my expectations were too high. Spanish children are very natural and the urge to be a prima donna runs strongly within them. I decided that it would neither be fair to them or to myself to try and control the natural flair and hunger to enjoy their football and shine, rather than buckle down to the dreariness of order and teamwork. A chance meeting at a gala in benefit of a breast cancer charity changed the whole direction of my life and made me realise that with my fingers I could make more difference in the world than I could possibly have dreamed of doing with my feet. I met an Irishman from Cambridge Mr Edward Timon, who had decided to gamble the last of his savings and let his love walk away to dedicate all his energy to saving the last newspaper in English in Gran Canaria, Spain from extinction. The newspaper had been mismanaged for the previous two years and was filled with unsubstantiated drivel written by ghost writer's of which the majority no longer lived on the island, pampering a gay holiday community which basically held them to ransom. Advertising was being undersold and there was a general lack of respect for what should have been the hu