Do you only promote your block chain project on Telegram, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook and so on? oh No!
Allow me to introduce you to over 50 crypto forums that guarantee 1000% results.
My name is Proper. I have been in the crypto and block chain promotion and shilling space for over 6 years. From experience I've learnt how to promote DeFi projects across various crypto markets across Africa, Asia and Europe.
My expertise includes:
1. Extensive Promotion in active crypto forums with high engagement and results.
2. Boasting social media members/followers (Twitter, Telegram, FB/IG, LinkedIn)
3. Quality shilling in (Telegram, Twitter and Reddit)
4. 24/7 chat support (Telegram, Twitter and discord)
5. Organizing AMAs, Visual Designs.
I will like to have a discussion with you so I can tell you more about my results and how I easily hit my target