I am a professional developer who can handle tasks relative to blockchain.
1. Smart contract development in networks (Ethereum, BSC, Matic/Polygon, Cardano) by using Solidity
2. Solana smart contract development (Unit test, Rust cosmwasm, solana-program-library, Solana-web3, Raydium integration) by using Rust and Anchor framework
3. Front-end development interactive with smart contract by using Web3, truffle, React(Redux / Thunk / Saga), Angular and Vue.
4. ICO, IDO, Defi Swap, Reward system for staking, AOM(Olympus DAO Fork), Hyperledger Fabric
5. NFT minting and NFT marketplace development(Create listing by admin, flat & Crypto payment, Bundle Sale/ Bulk Transfers, Drops, Rating, Bidding & Auction)
-Minter in Candy machine and 10% royalty moved to burn and other wallets
-Burn mechanism with kind of sharing rewards back to the holders
-Minting by user randomly NFTs, Upload the NFT arts and Traits(metadata) to IPFS
6.Bot development for sale monitoring bot OS and Niftygateway
7. Cryto game development with crypto payment gateway