BLOG WRITING. EMAIL WRITING. CONTENT UPGRADE CREATION. I enjoy writing about health, wellness, finance and lifestyle generally. Trust me, I write in simple and clear English because I have learned that people reckon more with content that pin points their core frustrations and offer solutions in easy to understand English- just the way they would have described it. They feel like you understand perfectly and immediate start to like and trust you. I am very good with WordPress, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Canva and have basic working knowledge of Microsoft Excel In addition, I know the importance of good images and have a list of 70+ websites to get free high quality photos I offer my clients so they don't have to use photos from Google and get into trouble. I sometimes customize these images with their url and blog colours using canva Ultimately, I help my clients build the KNOW, LIKE and TRUST factor online with little or no work on from their end and you can be one.