I'm a SEO Copywriter and my work encompasses copywriting, ghostwriting, website content optimisation,article marketing, landing pages development, in English and Italian.
I enjoy thinking about my job as what creates connections and
patterns by linking pieces of information to bring new
enhanced ideas to life. That's copywriting to me!
I'm attracted by the connections between concepts or
phenomena that may appear disparate at a first glance, to
discover the common thread linking them to each other and
achieve alternative perspectives of the original idea.
My love for playing with the written words makes me move with
agility among the different techniques of persuasive copywriting.
It's a passion and the Web gave me the ultimate opportunity of
turning my passion into a professional career.
I can model my style according to the target markets and the
media taken in consideration while keeping constantly updated with
the ever-growing Web Marketing practises and SEO strategie