Launched over 400 products for over 150 high-tech vendors (Microsoft, HP, Sony, Citrix, WordPerfect, Disney, Canon, GE, Netscape, Autodesk, Adobe, Ingram Micro, Motorola, Intel, Goldmine, IBM, Xerox, Novel, Mitsubishi, etc.). Plus over 50 start-ups.
- Markets include entertainment industry (competing with Disney), high-tech publishing, software and hardware industry in packaged goods consumer retail applications, SaaS,educational software, Fortune 100 enterprise and semiconductor markets.
- Virtual VP of Marketing (PR, Advertising, Branding, Positioning, Strategy, Marketing Plans, Operations, Online Marketing, Alliances) to over 100 companies.
- One of the top 10 Channel Experts in the High-Tech Industry World Wide
- Built, refined and grew the reseller channel for over 100 companies (start-ups to $130 billion)
- Quoted in over 100 publications, within numerous books, industry thought leader
- Managed marketing teams ranging from 2 to 420 in size. Managed, trained, recruited and