DID YOU KNOW? Consistent branding can increase revenue by up to 20%. That's a pretty exciting stat, right? Well, sure it is...but...it doesn't tell the whole story. After all, if your branding is consistently terrible or even just okay, no extra revenue will be coming your way. In fact, you'll probably be losing some. But enough with the worst-case scenario. Let's talk about how you can make your branding consistently phenomenal and shoot that revenue of yours through the roof. Specifically, let's talk about this in terms of the messages associated with your business. 1. SELF-DISCOVERY - Gaining clarity on who you are, what you're all about, why you do what you do, and why people should care 2. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS - Understanding how what you offer is better or different than what your competitors are providing and marketing 3. STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT - Defining exactly how to present the above in a way that's authentic to you, that attracts potential customers and turns them into new and repeat customers! Drop me a line and tell me a bit about your business and where you're at in terms of branding. Let's see how we can make a difference for your business!