It is extremely important to have a differentiation between you and your competitors, just like there is a difference between Apple and Samsung otherwise you are just selling a product/service which will be forgotten as soon as purchased. You have to be able to show your characteristics, purpose and history through your out your branding. Branding creates fans, leading to an increase in long term sales and a steady growth of your business.
Brand positioning: For a brand to remain in the views of its audience, it needs to be valuable, consistent and direct. Your brand should be able to resonate with each and every audience member, this includes their views, history, passion and curiousness. We have helped countless brands come back to life with our critique strategies and planning. We use experience and creatives to make your brand have meaningfulness.
Brand identity: The identity of your brand is like your passport. It is the physical look of your brand. It consists of colour palettes, fonts, structure, visuals used in the logo, website and can be seen all over the brand. All these combinations create an ever lasting impression. With the help of our extremely creative and modern team, we can give your brand a new language which does not only last but also conveys your brands identity perfectly.