My educational background includes BS in Business Administration with MBA postgraduate work, supplemented by advanced computer software skills.
Over 10 years direct and indirect PC-based Desktop Publishing/Graphics Design related work experience, using Harvard Graphics, Publish It, PowerPoint, PageMaker, PhotoShop, Web Page, Scanners, as well as other software applications, in a network environment.
· Provided high level computer generated graphics for publishing and presentations. Designed and produced brochures, booklets, posters, forms, flyers, charts, graphs, diagrams, viewgraphs, and slides, both B&W and Color. Incorporated photo-retouching techniques to modify scanned images.
· Integrated electronically pre-press word processing documents, scanned photographs, and other software files and prepared CD-Burner/Rewrite for the printer. Finalized with printer pricing, blueprints, various binding methods and color/paper stock selections.
Personal Qualities: