I have 5 years experience as a Virtual Assist, Data Entry/Customer Service/Administrative professional, Word Press, Magneto,Os-commerce products upload.Recognized for integrity, strong management and leadership, follow-through, and interpersonal communications. I can handle your every day task both business and personal I have extensive data entry experience, converting PDF files to excel or any other format.I am experienced in MS Office including MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Product upload, etc.No task is too large or small... Don't have the time... I do! I am available as a personal virtual assistant 16/7 365 days a year.Strength :-* Can perform under pressure.* Can execute a task within given time.* Can easily adept to any new implementation* Hard Working* Can learn fast from mistakes.* Can utilize available resources efficiently.* Can inspire others to work honestly.Goal :-* Generate accurate result.* Quick Turn Around Time.* Make my client Happy with work I have 5 years experi