My approach is aligned with best practices and the International Business Continuity Management Standard. The approach uses "information-based decision making" methods that have been successful for both businesses and governments across the world over the last decade. Plan: This Word.doc supports a workflow to make informed decisions in a crisis. Tool: This Excel Planning Workbook maps critical activities and vulnerability in a clear, straightforward manner - and which can be used to report impact in crisis. This Business Continuity Plan will be tailored for your vulnerabilities. Three critical activities will be mapped with you. Working together will be based on: Your organisation. This provides context. List the top three services you need to keep delivering - or that need to be resumed as a priority. Please list these services in priority order. We will then insert these into the Excel workbook and into the text of the plan - setting you up to complete the details associated with your context. The geographic site - or sites - for your key activities. The names and contact information for individuals you want to be in your Crisis Management Team.