I am an environmental expert, policy analyst, business consultant, and entrepreneur, with more than five years of experience applying life cycle assessment (LCA) to reduce energy use and environmental emissions while increasing profitability and reducing costs. I have co-founded two companies, managed teams, consulted directly with clients in various industries, created a public life cycle database, participated in creation of two LCA standards, presented at five conferences, published several academic papers, and won business plan competitions. I aspire to lead and to learn for a lifetime, combining a strong work ethic with effective listening and communication to enable sustainability innovation.
Specialties Include:
Launching new ventures
Environmental analysis
Life cycle assessment (LCA)
Environmental input output LCA (EIOLCA)
Carbon footprinting
ISO 14040 series LCA standards
WRI Scope 3 Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard
BSi Publically Available Standard