- Led turnaround process that turned money-losing medical practice acquisition into going concern with over $1M in profit within 12 months.
- Intervened in troubled health center with union employees. Resulted in reduced lost time and high levels of teamwork, productivity and customer satisfaction.
- Trained and deployed QI teams that achieved $714,233 in overall cost reductions within 18 months in manufacturing environment.
- Orchestrated the turn around a customer service department that was losing $1.2M a year and 40% of representatives.
- Built a corporate university to feed talent pool of world’s fast growing internet company. - Developed first courses for webcast to a major pharma’s non U.S. employees.
- Reversed 94% attrition rate of new salespeople for the world’s largest copy machine maker; increased sales, and tripled revenues in less than 18 months.
- Produced 70% increase in productivity, revenues and efficiencies by re-organizing the accounts receiv