To obtain business financing, a business plan is necessary. Not just any plan, yet a good one, which includes:
- Business Description & Vision
- Marketing Demographics & Research
- Product & Services Description
- Organizational & Management Structure
- Sales & Marketing Strategy
- Financial Analysis
Plans also contain considerable visual appeal with colorful charts and graphs. In addition to business plans, I can write considerable website online content.
This effort begins with the homepage, where careful attention needs to be given to attract readers to your company. Many websites have a nice look, yet do very little to motivate the reader to take action.
This action should come in the form of benefits. How will the company improve the life of the reader through their products and services? The reader will make up their mind in less than five seconds about whether they want to move on to another website.
If you boldly capture their attention, then good things will happen. The reader will want to justify their decision to explore the website by reviewing the supporting pages.
These pages can contain more lengthly information to provide a comprehensive explaination of the product, services, and company background.