Are you in search of person who can provide business directory or businesses database? Yes, you are at right place.
The businesses databases is very important in selling products by contacting them through phone or emails. So, why are you wasting time to sell your product, just place order.
About this gig:
-Business database collection
-directory pages scraping
-yellow pages scraping
-web scraping
-Verified emails collection by manual way
What will you get?
-Name of business
-Location (city, zip code etc.)
-Verified emails
I offer 3 types of services in this gig:
1. Single location businesses data collection
2. Three location businesses data collection
3. All possible location businesses data collection
Following countries data can be extracted from directory:
United states
United kingdom
"Others can be extracted from google map"
Note: There is no fixed quantity of database as the can vary from location to location.
Please contact me before placing an order.
Best regards,
Muhammad Abbas