I have 14+ years of experience in Fullstack, C++ Qt/QML development. I am a C++, Qt QML developer with the ability to design and develop complex large scale software. I have experience in developing Qt applications for both mobile and desktop. I develop for iOS, Android and windows mobile phones and tablets. I also develop the backends in node.js, php and .net C# for mobile apps. I also manage backends on Amazon web services. I am an expert in autoscaling apps on aws. I can scale a self-hosted parse server or a php API. I also develop and scale node.js based microservices for API. I have developed OpenTok mobile apps using Qt and QML. I have developed a Kodi Remote mobile app using Qt QML. Areas of Expertise - OOAD (Object oriented analysis and design) - Resusable and modular code - API development using Swagger and Apiary.io - Material Design - Retrofit models - Angular 5 - Asp net core 2.0 - Glide - butterknife - daggar - rxJava - RTSP streaming - Geo Location, Geo Fencing, Delivery Apps - Social Logins - E-Commerce Apps - VOIP (Twilio, OpenTok, VOIP Switch) - Video Streaming - Voice recordings - NFC - Social Networks - Push Notifications - Core Data - XML/JSON based REST/SOAP Apis - On Demand Apps Backends - Parse - Firebase - QuickBlox - Custom REST API (MEAN Stack / MERN Stack/ PHP(Yii2)/ .NET C#) - Admin Dashboards Payment Gateways - Stripe - Paypal - CCAvenue - Authorize.net - Google checkout Ad Networks - Google AdMob Analytics - Google analytics - Mixpanel - Tableue - Segment - Moengage Source Control - Git - SVN - CVS Project management - Asana - TFS - Slack - JIRA