cakePHP Development
I am Passionate FullStack PHP/cakePHP Developer with 12+ years of experience. I offer Web and mobil app development services startups to large enterprice organization. Utilizing my experience across multiple languages and technologies, alongside multiple certifications; In any role, I am a high-impact individual contributor in a web development.
Why you should hire me**
✔ Strong frontend, backend architecture, and database knowledge
✔ Develop responsive websites and applications that support all devices
✔ I am as passionate about your project as you are
✔ Delivering the products on/before time
✔ High Quality of work
✔ Always up-to-date with the latest technologies
✔ Less hourly rate than others
For programming languages, my expertise is in PHP, CakePHP, Laravel, codeIgniter, react.js, Vue.js, Angular.js, and Javascript. For large websites, I typically use carePHP, Laravel, a othr PHP framework as per customer chooice. For layout and design, I work with raw HTML / CSS as well as libraries like Bootstrap.
I set myself apart from other developers by adhering to software industry best practices, that save time, money and reputation in the long term. Some of these practices include version control, backups and properly documented code.
I have worked on implementing sites from the ground up, as well as enhancing and upgrading existing or legacy systems.