1.PROJECT NAME: Rent A RIDE URL : http://specialeventvehicles.com.au Description : Rent A Ride (RAR) is a gateway website run by vehicle enthusiasts, for vehicle enthusiasts. This website allows you to list your ride, regardless of what it is, Car, Bike, Boat, Hovercraft, Tank, Horse, Budgie, Plane, Helicopter and anything else that comes to mind. If you can carry a passenger, then your ride can pay for itself. You can a ride on rent also. 2.PROJECT NAME: LANDQUIP URL : http://landquip.co.nz/ Description : Landquip designs and manufactures smart equipment for the rural sector 'Engineering Growth' is how we aim to help the agricultural and horticultural sectors to which we supply products. Landquip is a family business with established relationships globally, giving customers the opportunity to source good quality, proven products from a reliable source. The Landquip team includes experienced engineers that design and develop their unique range of products.