- Experienced in 3D Modeling,2D Modeling, Surfacing in Catia V5.
-Experienced in 3D Design.
- Experienced in 3D Modeling,2D Modeling, Surfacing in Solid Work.
- Experienced in 3D Modeling,2D Modeling, Surfacing in CreoV5.
-Design 2D and 3d mechanical parts.
-Experienced in Creating a Bill Of Material.
-Analysis of input A Surface for feasibility using CATIA V5 and highlighting A Surface issues.
-Creating surfaces and features as per provided master section.
-Creating tooling directions and proposing slider and lifter directions.
-Parametric product designing using parameters, relations, formulas, and publication.
-Linking and bridging conceptual ideas into sketches, CAD models, and realization of the actual product.
-Converting 2D drawings & surfaces (Imported data) into a solid model.
-Feasibility of plastic component, identify undercuts and their mechanism.
CAD Certifications-