1- Internal audit in manufacturing industry, heavy-engineering industry, infrastructure industry, CBM gas production & distribution industry, coal extraction industry, agro-machinery industry, real-estate industry, tea production and distribution industry. 2- Statutory audit in trading & manufacturing industry, transportation industry, NBFCs and Regulated Market Committee (RMC). 3- Pre-audit of Goods Receipt Note (GRN) of “coal” in power generation & distribution industry. 4- Preparing internal audit checklists, internal control checklists and updating these checklists periodically and their implementation. 5- Checking the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and ensuring that internal control systems are adequate and operating effectively. 6- Providing inputs for improvement in internal control system, process avenues for cost saving & profit maximization. 7- Constant written follow-up with the auditees for implementation of audit suggestions and summarizing the implementation status. 8- Periodic reviews meeting with the auditees. 9- Carry out ad-hoc reviews to investigate any area identified by the top management. 10- Assisting in finalization of books of account. 11- Statutory compliances and filing returns of income tax, service tax and sales tax. 12- Preparation of MIS reports.