Over 10 years of experience in R.C.C detailing of Structures like Underground & superstructure in the field of Power Plant, Cement Plants, Steel plant, Aluminum Handling Plant, Water treatment plant, Sewage Treatment Plant, Grade slab, All Underground & Ground R.C.C. detail Structures, Bar bending schedules & Strengthening work, Underground structures & Ground Detailing using AUTOCAD application Underground structures such as cable tunnels, pits, trenches, water tanks, conveyor tunnel, electrical substation basements, River water Intake well, CW pipe encasing structure, various fan foundations etc. Superstructure details such as RCC beam, slab, column, RCC wall, cable tray, pipe rack etc. Substation details such as MCC room beam, slab, columns, equipment supports etc. Transformer foundation, grade slab & drains etc.