was a bachelor of engineering from Civil Engineering of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember and graduated cumlaude (GPA
3.53 / 4.00). The final project that I did was a research on the effect of microbes and fly ash to improve concrete performance,
so that I got expertise in making concrete mix designs. After graduating from ITS, I worked as a research assistant at Konsorsium
Riset Geopolimer Indonesia (KORIGI) and after that I worked as Quality Control Inspector at PT. Indra Karya (Persero). During my
work I have gained a lot of experiences, knowledges and new skills, such as how to work in field and also inspected quality of
materials, gave advice for contractor’s work, making research journal papers and also working on research and education
projects. Those knowledges and experiences are also supported by my eagerness to learn many new things to support my work
in the future.